• Are you making a rom hack?

    No. I have neither the skills or time to make a rom hack right now. I won’t rule it out entirely, but if I do decide to make or contribute to a rom in the future I’ll make an official announcement.

  • Can I use your work in my rom hack?

    Generally, no. If you commission me to make sprites of your own monsters, then absolutely (see my sprites for the upcoming NeoCom game on my page), but not for sprites of official Pokémon. I have contributed a handful of sprites to fan games like Pokémon Split by @dalefailsgaming, but only by request

  • Can I get a tattoo of your art?

    Yes! While there is nothing stopping you from using my art as a tattoo reference free of charge, I would encourage you to buy a Tattoo Ticket from my shop as a courtesy for the time and effort it took me to make the design. If you do get a tattoo of my art, please send me a picture of the final product so I can share it on my Instagram page!

  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    My current plan is to fill orders weekly. Unless otherwise stated, all sticker orders will be fulfilled via snail mail. As I find my rhythm with production and shipping, please allow for at least 3 weeks (likely less) from date of purchase for any domestic orders to arrive. International orders may take up to 4 weeks, but I’ll update this answer as I learn more.

  • How can I cancel my order?

    Cancellations can be requested via email and must be made within 24hrs of initial purchase. Return or refund requests made after the order has been shipped will not be accepted, no exceptions.