Hey there!

Welcome to my Retro Pokésprites website.

My name is Adam. I’m a wildlife biologist by trade, vet nurse by day, pixel artist by night, and a lifelong Pokémon fan!

February 27th 2021 was the 25th anniversary of the release of the original Pokémon Red & Blue games in Japan (1996). I was born the following year, so I missed the original Pokémania, but some 6 years later I received a discarded copy of Pokémon Silver and a backless Glacier Gameboy Advance from my grandpa—my very first Pokémon game. I’ve been a fan ever since.

I began making pixel art in August of 2020 after a virtual console playthrough of Pokémon Gold on my 3DS. To honor the nostalgic retro style of that game, I decided to design sprites for newer Pokémon using the graphic restrictions present in the game that started it all for me:

56x56 pixel max
4 colors per sprite (including black and white)

I started my Instagram page in February 2021 to celebrate Pokémon25. I began by posting my sprites for Gen 3 Pokémon from Ruby and Sapphire and have been working my way through the Pokédex ever since.

Thankfully, there’s no shortage of Pokémon to inspire my art. I plan to continue retro-fying the Pokémon world for the foreseeable future and hope my art evokes the same feelings of comfort and nostalgia in others that it brings to me.

Pictured above, our children: Pickle—the Cuban tree frog, Oliver—the crested gecko, and Mipha—the perfect tabby shorthair.